Our BrandRank (BRR) Score Helps You Find the Best Brandable Domains
Finding the perfect brandable domain name for your business will allow you to create a ‘niche of one’ and obliterate your competition who are using keyword-rich, descriptive domains that just don’t stand out or make an impression.
However, if you have checked a brandable domain marketplace, you will quickly find out that you still have to go through hundreds, if not thousands of potential domain names to find the perfect one for you.
Plus, how can you tell if a domain you’re considering is truly brandable? The idea behind brandable domains is you are creating something fresh – with no existing blueprint. So, is there a way to measure domain name brandability? Our BrandRank (BRR) metric was designed with a magic formula to do just that!
In the rest of this article, we’ll discuss why you should choose a brandable domain name, how they differ from keyword domain names, and how our BrandRank (BRR) score helps you find the best brandable domains for sale in a flash.
What are brandable domains?
To understand brandable domain names let’s use a popular example. Google(Google.com) is the most popular search engine in the world. The word ‘Google’ was not an actual word when the company was founded, but was made up. Plus, Google at first glance, doesn’t suggest anything related to making searches or queries on the web.
Domains like Google.com are brandable domain names – they are completely unique names associated with just a particular brand or business and don’t necessarily describe what a business does or its core purpose. Once a customer hears your brandable domain name, they think of your company rather than the general industry you’re and that’s why they are so powerful.
A brandable domain name gives you a unique identifier to build your brand into. It becomes your name and not just your domain name.
How are brandable domain names different from keyword-rich or descriptive domains?
Keyword-rich domains or keyword domains are domain names that are highly descriptive or include keywords that are related to the business’s products or services. A good example of a keyword domain name is ‘freelancer.com’. Anyone who sees the domain will know immediately that they offer services related to freelance work because it contains the keyword ‘freelancer’.
Brandable domain names, on the other hand, may sometimes suggest the business’s services but most times, are completely unrelated. Most brandable domain names are completely made up and don’t include any keywords at all. With a brandable domain name, you need to educate your customers about your business, and while this may take extra time to create awareness, it arouses curiosity and gives you the opportunity to sell your uniqueness and why they should do business with you.
What are the different types of brandable domains?
Brandable domain names come in different forms. Some hint at your services, some are based on real words or are metaphorical, while some are completely made up. Let’s have a look at the different types of brandable domain names.
Keyword-related domain names
Brandable domain names can be completely unique as well as keyword-related. Keyword-related brandable domain names usually contain a keyword in addition to a unique name or are created when you tweak an existing keyword.
A good example of a keyword-related brandable domain name is ‘Shopify.com’. ‘The domain name contains the keyword ‘shop’ which is very descriptive of shopping and eCommerce but also includes ‘ify’. ‘Shopify’ itself is not a real word but now identifies the Shopify company itself.
Another great example is ‘Canva’ – the popular design tool. The name was actually formed from the original word ‘canvas’, related to drawing. Canva is how ‘Canvas’ is pronounced in French but is also the word missing an ‘s’.
Metaphorical domain names
Metaphorical domain names are brandable domain names that include actual words but that are not related to the business’s services or products. Metaphorical domain names usually represent the business’s dream goals and express the company’s desire to be the best.
A good example of a metaphorical brandable domain name is ‘Alphabet’ which the CEO said was an ‘Alpha-bet’ – i.e. the overarching parent company of the Google franchise.
Another good example is Meta. While the word Meta doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with social media or connecting with people, it gives the feeling of transcendence and advancement.
Fictitious domain names
Fictitious domain names are domain names that are completely made up and have no correlation whatsoever to the company's products or ambitions. These are usually created to sound nice and easy to pronounce.
Great examples include Google, Kodak, Sony, etc.
The benefits of having a brandable domain name
We’ve taken a look at brandable domain names, how they are different from keyword domains, and the different types of branded domains. But what are the benefits of having a brandable domain name?
Helps you stand out
The most important benefit of a brandable domain name is it helps you stand out. With a brandable domain name, you completely own the name and it is tied to your brand, unlike when using keyword domains that are very generic. For example, ‘Quora’ will always stand out from generic keyword domains for question-and-answer websites like findananswer.com or queryforum.com.
Enables business growth
If you plan to expand your business in the future, having a brandable domain name will allow you to grow and scale your business conveniently without confusing your potential customers.
For example, a brand with a keyword domain like suitsformen.com will likely have to change and migrate its domain if it wants to also start selling sportswear or women’s wear.
A brandable domain is far more flexible since it isn’t tied down to an underlying meaning or product.
They are less competitive
Brandable domains are far less competitive than keyword domains because infusing keywords is what nearly every new webmaster thinks of when they’re scouting for a domain.
It’s easier to buy domain name variations and get a trademark
It’s also easier and cheaper to buy other variations of a brandable domain (.com, net, .io, etc.) since they are less likely to be registered and no one else would have thought of them.
It is also far easier to get a trademark and exclusive rights to a brandable domain. Keyword domains, on the other hand, can be impossible to trademark especially if many people are already using very similar variations.
Easier to rank in search
As an extension of brandable domains being less competitive, they are also far easier to rank than keyword domains that everyone else is competing for. So, when a website visitor types in your brand name in a search engine, your domain is far more likely to rank on top.
They can get very creative and catchy
Brandable domains allow for far more creativity than regular keyword domains and thus you can make them very catchy. A catchy brand name makes a stronger impression, is easier to remember, and makes potential customers more invested in your business.
They can turn into a household name
Google is the best example of this. Google itself is the name of the brand but has also turned into a verb. We now say: ‘Hey, Google this’ and ‘Googling’ has become the general term for running a search query.
Tips for choosing the best brandable domain name?
The qualities of a good brandable domain name are like any regular domain with some extra.
Keep it short
Your brandable domain name should be short and punchy. Lengthier names take more time to type and are harder to remember. People want to be able to type and get results, fast.
It should be easy to spell
While you’re being creative with your domain name, make sure it is very easy to spell and uses simple letter combinations that rhyme with its pronunciation.
It should pass the radio test
As an extension of spelling ease, your domain should pass the domain radio test and should be easy to spell from just the pronunciation over a digital device and via word-of-mouth.
Introducing the BrandRank(BRR) score
It can be challenging for most webmasters like you to determine the brand-ability or value of a brandable domain, and that’s why we came up with the BrandRank(BRR) score. Our BrandRank(BRR) is the only and first-of-its-kind measure of a domain’s brandability.
Measured on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most ‘brandable’, we created this metric with your convenience in mind to quickly find the best domains that have the highest chances of making a lasting impression and boosting your business.
How the BrandRank (BRR) works to help you find the best brandable domains quickly
The BrandRank (BRR) metric works with a magic formula behind the scenes to rank domains on their potential to become incredible brand names. Now, you don’t have to go through thousands of domains on other marketplaces and wonder which filters to use and can focus on getting your own domain quickly.
With the BRR, you don’t even need to open the ‘filters’. Simply move your mouse to the BRR column and click on the ‘BRR’ header in the catalog itself:
And voila! You will have all the millions of domains on our website arranged according to their brandability score, with the most brandable shown to you first, one page at a time:
Alongside the BRR, you also get a link to the marketplace, their prices, current bid prices, Estimated Auction Price, WHOIS birth year, Archive Birth Year, MOZ domain authority, MOZ page authority, Archive count, the search volume, the cost-per-click, Facebook shares, Trust flow, and finally, the auction expiry date.
Reselling brandable domains
As a domainer, reselling brandable domain names can quickly turn into a very lucrative business. There are a host of brandable domain name marketplaces like BrandBucket and Squadhelp where you can list high-potential brandable domain names and resell them for good profit.
Domainers use our BRR score to speed up the process of finding high-quality brandable domains for your domain reseller business and start listing quickly. Have millions of brandable domains sorted out in just a click to bring rare finds with the best brandable potential.
You can then buy them for cheap off our partner registrars and then resell them on any marketplace you choose and get a grand slam offer.
Rounding Up
The names behind some of the most reputable companies in the world don’t even make any logical sense. But they don’t need to. A brandable domain name allows you to get as creative as possible to come up with a unique, one-of-a-kind identifier that people will connect directly to your brand. And most importantly, they allow you to stand out from everyone else.
If you’re looking to purchase a brandable domain name but shudder at the idea of having to go through hundreds of pages to find something you resonate with, we’ve made it easy for you. Our BrandRank (BRR) score takes the hassle out of domain name search by ranking brandable domains with the highest potential.
So whether you are looking for that one rare find or you are a domainer looking to resell, head to our domain catalog and choose the brandable domain just for you!
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